Monday, September 29, 2014

Replacing the old with the new is often a good thing… unless it’s something that’s still in good-shape, and/or still fully functioning.  Replacing things that are no longer of use could be a window to prosperity and wisdom.  Give yourself an invigorating, 5 minute oil change.   A quick mental cleanse and refresher while physically giving the body stress-relieving attention. 

Sometimes it’s difficult to make a conscious decision to stop the world (your world) from spinning so quickly and moving so rapidly.  No matter how hard you try, there is still one more thing that needs to be done.  As soon as you feel like you need a break, take it.  Stop.  Breathe in.  Exhale.  Now follow this quick technique to start the process of renew.

Stop.  Breathe in.  Breathe out.  Find a focal point as you put everything on hold for the next 5 minutes.  Sit comfortably in an erect position where your spine is straight.  Imagine that you have a string attached to your base chakra (located in the under groin area).  The string has 7 knots, tied from the base to the top of your head.  As you remain comfortably seated, spine erect, move your hands from your lap to over your head.  With hands ending over your head, you should have all fingers touching the opposite hand’s fingers in the shape of a diamond.  Breathe regularly.  With every exhale, imagine that you are gently pulling on the string at the top of your head slowly untying each knot from the bottom, up.  Take about 60 seconds to visualize and untie each knot.  Slowly lower arms and welcome you (yourself) back to reality… the list has gotten so much easier.
Zucchini Crab Cakes
(No-Crabs killed)

2 1/2 cups peeled, grated Zucchini (about 2 large zucchini)
1 cup Bread Crumbs
1 Egg
1 TBSP Mayonnaise
2 tsp 'Old Bay' seasoning
Cooking Spray for pan

Clean, Peel and Grate zucchini in food processor with grater attachment.  2 2/1 cups needed. 
Mix together the bread crumbs, zucchini, egg, mayo, and 'Old Bay'.
Form into 6 - 9 patties.
Heat large skillet over medium heat, spray with cooking spray, cook patties 5 - 7  mins. on each side.

Makes 6 - 8 servings
Per Serv. (1 Patty)120 cal. 4g fat, 18g carb., 2g dietary fiber, 5g protein

A nice part is that no crabs were hurt, and the best part is the flavor & taste! WOW

Garlic Zucchini Wild Rice
Cleanse & Balance
1/2 Zucchini diced
2 cloves Garlic finely chopped
1/2 cup Wild / Brown Rice mix
1 cup Vegetable broth (no salt added / low sodium)
Over medium heat, put all ingredients into a medium sauce pan (or fry pan with lid).
Simmer 20 minutes, until all liquid is absorbed (stirring only to prevent sticking).
Check for tenderness by spooning a few grains to pinch or bite.  Add only hot liquid for additional cooking time.
This is the basic so be sure to add your own spices to give it a personal twist. 
Serves 1-2
High Fiber, Whole Grains


Sunday, September 28, 2014

Drifting Away
...and it feels like I'm drowning, pulling against the stream.
One of the best stress relievers I have ever experienced is being close to the water or being totally submerged in it.  Fresh is best, but salt-water has a special quality where it is complemented with the sense of smell and taste. I am a water sign by nature, so I am naturally drawn to water and fluid activity.  Just like meditation and yoga, the transitions are seamless and constant.  Deep breathing and focused movement should be just a seamless as thirst and hunger. I like to avoid the feeling of being stagnant, water has the ability to keep me fluid, moving, and transitioning.
I like it most when I have much on my mind and there is no one to talk to except my source of light and energy that provides me the ability to be me.  I am merely a reflection, therefore I am a natural part of the universe as I am part a creator. 
The source of my being provides me to be creative through my many moods and expressions.  One of my expressions is song.  Not often shared, but very often rendered.  Allow me to share...
Enjoy the Peace that is provided just for you on a continual basis, even when there are tough times to face.
Own your PEACE!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Noticing and Welcoming Change

Time is a healer.  Time is also ever moving.  Time is all we have to recognize, notice and welcome changes that are necessary to improve ourselves.  By greeting the Sun daily we acknowledge that time is of the essence and that time waits for no one. 
Today, at this time, I have now to notice the daylight, the Sun, the reflection of the sun through beams of moonlight, encouraging me to travel through focused movement and controlled breathing to reach my higher being.  I am not only a natural being, but I am nature at it's best.
All matter, every atom and molecule that surrounds me becomes a part of me through selective, controlled breathing and focused movement.  I inhale what is greatness and release the unusable so that life becomes a part of me as I reflect life in its most concentrated form... Me!
Time after time, day after day, I must perform a ritual of giving back to life what life has given me.  Reflecting like the Moon, I realize I am nothing without the true source of light that allows me to return the favor of life.
It has taken me some time to realize this thus the close to a full year gap in posts.  Now is the time to Salute the Sun.
Know your purpose...
Sun Salutations!