The Standing Bow Pose is a wonderful yoga pose. This pose supports physical balance and mental balance strengthening techniques. Both techniques work in sync when correct breathing and creative visualization is practiced while in this pose. Remember that yoga poses are not meant to be the destination of perfection, but the evolution of doing it in rhythm of your natural being should be your goal. The poses that I focus on in this blog are usually directed to open and nurture the chakras (the 7 basic portals).
This pose has a focus on multiple chakras at one time in harmony so that the mental and physical self can all be awakened at one time. When you are fully conscience, then and only then, you acquire the true ability to successfully accomplish any vision or task that you wish. A person with Direction and no focus can easily be led astray. A person with Focus and no direction can easily be centered and aiming for the wrong thing. A balance of the two works hand in hand with each other to make the task of transition easy and seamless.
Ease into this pose slowly, only when the body is warmed and the muscles are not tense or tight. It is best to keep your eyes open when doing this pose for balance. Practice four to eight breaths at a natural breathing rate on either side. After every pose, make it a habit to relax and take at least two breaths in between before advancing to the next pose.
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