Monday, October 10, 2011

Just for the Art of It...

So many people has asked me so many times and in so many ways... Why do I create?  I cannot answer that questions surfacely unless I go into depth.  Surfacely, I can say it's 'Just for the Art of It.'  If I was to explain this concept to an entrepenure, they just would'nt understand my doing this without an invoice attached.  If I was to say this to the average 'Hippie", they would totally understand.  Understand, Duplicate and help me spread the love.  Answering this question to an 'Average Joe(anne)' is a bit more difficult.  Doing things 'just for the art of it' is as close to free expression as I can get.  When a I am is truly free to do something I fully enjoy, I have opened myself up to the universe.  Where the universe takes me is where I will go.  I am in the driver seat when I create.

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