Friday, November 15, 2013

The Law of Attraction

There is so much to say about the subject of attraction and the laws that surround it.  If you look at it in these few ways, you might get a better understanding of how it works.  Even though we desire something, or want something, we won’t fully get it simply because it is just a passing thought.  It requires a bit more work than just the asking.

1.       It requires a full set of conscious thoughts to create an action plan to achieve any perspective goal.  This means, planning, sorting-out, realizing the end results and making a physical move towards that goal.  When you begin to utilize all of the above efforts, something changes in the way of making a thought transform into a reality.

Example:  when you write something down, it requires you to first think of what you want to write.  Then you get something to write with and on.  Then you have to tell the brain to make your hand move to put your thoughts on paper. Then your eyes visually see that you have written (verifying your thought).

2.       There are universal vibrations that go along with your thoughts.  When you are focused and clearly thinking of what you want and making strides towards it, the universe tends to draw like-minded individuals together (or persons that share that common thought).  Just as in music, there are harmonious tones that works well together and sounds perfect in pitch… there are different levels of vibration frequencies’ that blend well and complement each other.  It’s like building a house and teaming up with other construction workers that shares a common goal.  Common things are drawn to each other, which usually promotes growth.  Protect your portals by not allowing any outside influences side-track your destiny.

Example:  You may have heard the expression ‘misery loves company’; well the same applies to success.  Success is attracted to success.  You will not find a very successful person in continuous company of failures, losers, and dead-beats.  That is not a trait of a successful person, nor should it be the trait of obtaining your goal.
3.       Put your future in the present.  Live your dream today as if you already have what you are asking or wishing for.  Imagine yourself already being the person that you wish to become.  Live it as though it is happening today.   Own it!

Example: ‘Fake it til’ you make it’ is an expression that comes to mind.  This means just do it.  All resources that you need, will come to surface to get the job done, you just have to be present.  For instance, if you have a goal of vacationing on an island, put into your consciousness the feeling of being surrounded by water, smell the ocean, hear the island sounds, taste the island food, walk through the island villa with sand still attached to the bottom of your feet… etc…

 In essence, to attract the things you want, surround yourself with it (mentally, emotionally, physically, psychologically, and spiritually).  There is no doubt that we manifest our own destinies through what we think and what we do.  Attract good by doing good, and GOOD will follow.   This is a very brief overview (not in its entirety) to begin an understanding of attracting what we desire through a few basic laws.

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