Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Sunset... Oh what a beautiful & powerful thing.

There is alot to be said about the power of a sunset.  The beauty that a sunset behold and how it makes you feel.  It tends to draw your mind in the direction of reflection, gratitude and unlimited possibilities.  Somehow, the sunset magnifies emotions and allows the mind to conceive and believe that there is a direct connection between each and every element in this beautiful universe.

As the sun slowly goes down, it begins to mark the close of a personal, mini-chapter in the ever-expansive and individualized Book Of Life.  It is almost like a warm cup of herbal tea just before bedtime.  Mmmmm.  Although you can visually see the beauty, you can also smell, hear and feel the miracle and mystery of life unfolding right before you.  All creatures of this magnificent networt tends to take notice and naturally act accordingly. 

Let it's beauty remind each and everyone, that has the ability to use any of their senses (singularly or in any combination), to realize that the sunset can happen permanenty for any one.  So take time to give back to the universe what it has given to you. 


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