Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Purchasing and incorporating more fresh fruits into your diet is sometimes not as easy or economical as buying pre-packaged, processed fruits.  Fresh fruits tend to ripen fast when not eaten within a few days after the purchase.  A great rule of thumb is to shop for fresh produce often, and eat them frequently.  If your produce does begin to show signs of over-ripening, simply cut them up and freeze them in plastic bags or air-tight containers.  They will last for up to 6 months frozen opposed to 6 days at room temperature.  Once they are frozen, there are many things that can be done with these frozen goodies.

Making something tasty out of leftover or over-ripe, frozen fruit made easy.

I like the taste of ice cream but don’t like how it makes my belly feel after eating it.  Now I enjoy the creamy texture and taste of ice cream without all the aftereffects that comes with it.  Yummy frozen yogurt did the trick.  Frozen yogurt has pro-biotics and cultures that aids in the proper digestion process, not only of the yogurt itself, but of foods that will be eaten later.  Instead of cut fruit, I topped the yogurt (vanilla) with blended frozen fruit to increase the flavor and enhance its nutritional content.  Any type of blended frozen fruit will do, as long as it is tasty.  Balancing flavors and textures brings the WOW factor to your taste buds.

Eat More Fruits!

This is a quick and easy way to enjoy a basic treat that can be altered to your taste.  Recipe will be available soon for you to try it yourself.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Lauren Von Der Pool my Friend, Vegan Chef, & Muse

Lets talk about the complete package of Health & Wellness. Flexability & Balance. I did a photo shoot with one of todays most talked about, young entrepreneurs that just so happens to be vegan and follows the rules of balance.  Lauren Von Der Pool, a great artistic muse.

Lauren is the young President/CEO of her own vegan food company Von Der Pool Gourmet, Inc.  She has created, formed and established this business from recognizing the needs of a nutritionally starved community and society.  A native Washingtonian that I am happy to call a personal friend.  There is so much to say about her and what she is doing, I could never cover it all in a brief blog.  Be on the lookout for hr forthcoming book 'Eat Yourself Sexy'.  In the meantime, I will just share a couple pictures of out fantastic photo shoot last Monday in Washington, DC...

She's such a natural and so easy to work with... Keep your ear to the ground for more from her. I will keep you posted (...if I can keep up with her... lol).  I hope I did'nt leak too much information about her book.  Google her for more information.

In your personal quest for Peace, Harmony & Balance, surround yourself with like-minded friends and happiness is sure to follow.
It's Been A While, but...

It's been a really long time since I have posted on this blog, but I am here to spark-up more interest and information in my efforts to keep a focus on 'art of yoga' and all that it pertains to in my world of zin.  I have been doing many things to elevate my personal health and welfare as well as getteing a better understanding of 'meeting folks where they are at'.  I have been conducting Organic Juicing events where folks can learn the basics of fresh produce combinations to maximize their health and nutritional intake.  I have also been creating new recipes that are easy to make as well as remember.  All the while, I am still doing at least 60 minutes a day of yoga.  Please stay connected for the book in the close future.  Shown, are a few pictures I'm sharing just to throw it out there.  N'Ameste'

The combination of Apples (sweetness), Kale (nutrient dense bitter) and Ginger (spicy antioxidant) provides enough energy and taste to satisfy even the hardest working desk-worker and athelete alike.  Perfect to the palate and for the body all the same.  I would suggest you to create a perfect combination that works for you.  Enjoy!