Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Replacing the old with the new is often a good thing… unless it’s something that’s still in good-shape, and/or still fully functioning.  Replacing things that are no longer of use could be a window to prosperity and wisdom.  Give yourself an invigorating, 5 minute oil change.   A quick mental cleanse and refresher while physically giving the body stress-relieving attention. 

Sometimes it’s difficult to make a conscious decision to stop the world (your world) from spinning so quickly and moving so rapidly.  No matter how hard you try, there is still one more thing that needs to be done.  As soon as you feel like you need a break, take it.  Stop.  Breathe in.  Exhale.  Now follow this quick technique to start the process of renew.

Stop.  Breathe in.  Breathe out.  Find a focal point as you put everything on hold for the next 5 minutes.  Sit comfortably in an erect position where your spine is straight.  Imagine that you have a string attached to your base chakra (located in the under groin area).  The string has 7 knots, tied from the base to the top of your head.  As you remain comfortably seated, spine erect, move your hands from your lap to over your head.  With hands ending over your head, you should have all fingers touching the opposite hand’s fingers in the shape of a diamond.  Breathe regularly.  With every exhale, imagine that you are gently pulling on the string at the top of your head slowly untying each knot from the bottom, up.  Take about 60 seconds to visualize and untie each knot.  Slowly lower arms and welcome you (yourself) back to reality… the list has gotten so much easier.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Strength and Stability

The Standing Tree pose is one of the most multifunctional poses that I practice with minimal/limited time and space.  Everything that's built to last has a strong foundation and core.  To help build and strengthen the foundation and core, I practice this pose just before venturing into making sharp and clear decisions or shifting gears (multi-tasking) because it does lots more than just core strengthening. 

This pose has quick benefits that is noticed almost immediately like a calming mood, improved breathing, stimulating blood flow yet maintaining an even blood presure, and instant clarity & focus.  Of course the benefits of being physically active, within itself, can go without being stated.   Having a strong center/core and stable foundation as a combination promotes overall strength and power. 

It's as simple as finding a location where you can stand upright, can spread your arms fully on both sides and can breathe.  Stand stable. Both arms to your side. Breath.  Lift one leg, place your foot on the upper-inside of the opposite leg.  Keep balance, look forward. Breath.  Maintaining your balance, extend your arms from your sides, stretched out to each side. Breath.  Arms over your head, then down to Nameste. Breath.  Hold 30 - 90 sec. Breathe and release pose.  Do opposite side equal amount of time.

Go. Prosper.