Sunday, November 8, 2020


It's Time To BREATHE

Breathing is essential to life, just as hydration and nourishment.  There is also something to be said about the reduction of stress, which aids and promotes the mental, physical and emotional.  If any one of these elements are missing or not sustained, then there is a loss in the natural balance and chemistry of what makes you alive. 

Every chance you get, do something that will alleviate stress.  I choose to Breathe and Dance.


15 seconds with one good beat is all you need...

Don't believe me, try it!

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Visual Stimulation

Art Through Association

   Many times, something might capture your attention for no apparent reason at all, but your mind's eye notices something that ultimately stimulates and arouse a feeling, memory, or a momentary pleasure.  
   I didn't want to give this post too much thought or in-depth verbiage.  The below images are for your own interpretation.  They may have multiple meanings with a single focus and/or vice-versa.  As I create, I often give it no thought at all or intentionally mix my current emotional state within.  

   *If you get multiple visionary thought from either of these images, You are among the living.


Colored Pencil
8" x 10"
(Behind Glass)


Mat Board in Shadowbox
8" x 10"
(Behind Glass)

*If you are in any way a person, vegetable, or mineral that believes in balance, nature and natural order, these images may help you to invite focus, concentrate and find your calm.  These images are also subject to change as your mood changes.  

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Creations From The Past

   In my efforts to archive my earlier works, I keep finding little trinkets of doodles and dabbles stuffed away in dusty corners, and shelves all over the place... But as I locate them, I will digitize them and archive them here.  I'm also finding some drawings and paintings that are incomplete.  I think they were mostly experimental sounding boards.

   I'm not yet an owner of a gallery, so most of my creations are displayed sporadically throughout my dwellings, hidden away in my closets, and/or gathering dust on un-kept shelves.  Here are a few gems recently located from circa 1996 +.

'The Eye'

Black Pen Ink on Paper
26" x 20"
(Matted, Behind Glass)

'Test Pallet'

Water Color, Acrylic, Pen Ink, Pencil on Card Stock
20" x 30"

'Warrior Series 1 & 2'

'Untitled 1'

Pen Ink on Paper
8" x 10"
(Matted Behind Glass)

'Untitled 2''

Pen Ink on Paper
8" x 10"
(Matted Behind Glass)

(Jazz Series 1 & 2)

'Untitled 1'

Acrylic on Canvas
10" x 12"
(Matted Behind Glass)

'Untitled 2"

Acrylic on Canvas
10" x 12"
(Matted Behind Glass)

   Thinking back on when most of these were created, there were a lot more paintings that I've done in groups of two and three... I can't seem to locate them.  Hmmm.  ...Possibly given back to the universe from which it was created.  Still lookin' for 'em though.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Power in the Trinity

   In Hollywood, there is a saying that the 'greats' pass away in threes, In dimensions there is a common symbol '3D' - third dimension - Height, Width and Depth.  Three Wise Monkeys - Hear no evil, See no evil, Speak no evil.  Third time's a charm.  With colors, there's RGB.  Mind, Body, and Soul (Spirit).  Earth. Wind. & Fire.  Mother, Father, Child.  Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.  Faith, Hope, and Charity.  etc...

*Three is the number of perfection, completion.  
The Christian doctrine of the Trinity - GOD: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
1 Peter 1:7 (not to get all religious on ya')

Tried in the Fire before Gold

'Tried in the Fire before Gold 1'

Acrylic on Canvas
20" x 20"
A mere drop of innocence cast'd into the flesh of a human, only knowing instinct and basic needs.  This thing called life creates an unruly inferno of unorganized, unnatural heat and pressures that twists and turns sporadic elements of simplicity into a complex ball of confusion. 

'Tried in the Fire before Gold 2'

Acrylic on Canvas
20" x 20"
A ball of confusion, slowly but steadily being molded and reformed into unexpected configurations, shapes, and patterns that are unrecognizable of ones former self.  Being challenged, abused, forced, used, coerced, tempted, and tired.  The experience of each and every trial created a pattern, a stripe, a unique mark as a reminder and reward of what challenges has been conquered and survived.

'Tried in the Fire before Gold 3'

Acrylic on Canvas
20" x 20"
Each mark and stripe is undeniably unique to the story in which is being told, simply by the mere existence of the purifying resistance in refining through fire.  Edges are sharpened where used to be round.  Rough places are now smooth. Lines are defined where used to be frayed.  
Pure gold put in fire comes out of it proved pure.

*Real, pure gold, when exposed to the flame, will get brighter after a while as it gets hotter, but will not darken.  Fake gold pieces, such as fool's gold (actually pyrite, an iron sulfide) and pieces made of brass, iron or copper alloys will otherwise change color when exposed to fire.

Oozing Creativity in 1998

In retrospect, it's a bit difficult to remember what ruled my thoughts over two decades ago, but here are a few reminders of what I did with some of my free time.  I can clearly remember turning up music, played on my pieced-together turn table.  Living in a one bedroom apartment with my living room acting as my lounge, my studio, my gallery... my sanctuary.  

I managed an art supply store, my friends were people of creative backgrounds, and I inhaled and exhaled breaths of full spectrum. Many of what I created were passed on to others for one reason or another, but the ones I kept, I can now share.

1998 was not that long ago...

'Mystic Moon I'
Acrylic on Canvas
5" x 7"
(Gold & Black Velvet Framed)

 'Mystic Moon II'
Acrylic on Canvas
5" x 7"
(Gold & Black Velvet Framed)

Black Ink on Paper
5" x 7"
(glass framed)

Acrylic on Mat Board
8" X 10"
(glass framed)
pardon my reflection

Pencil on Paper
8" x 10"
(glass framed)
pardon my reflection

Colored Pencil
3.5" x 6"
(glass framed 8" x 10")
...yes 1998

Monday, February 10, 2020

Therapy Art is Art

Therapeutic Art is Art

It's been a while since I've posted anything here,  I will explain later ...but now I have been encouraged to show some of my older images of works that has been hanging in my personal space since the beginning, since the time that I had created them

It's funny how I look back and notice things on each of the following pieces, something that I could have added, changed, and/or subtracted to suite the mood of the day, or time that it was created.  Overall, I'm glad that they each have a life of their own and is standing the test of time in my universe.

If you feel something, It's OK to feel it. Go with the flow...

'The Journey 1'
Acrylic on Canvas
7" x 10"
(Glass Framed)

'The Journey 2'
Water Color
7" x 10"
(Glasses Framed)

'Africa I'
Acrylic on Canvas
w/ Black Ink Paper
18" x 36"

'Africa II'
Acrylic on Canvas
w/ Black Ink Paper
18" x 36"

'Africa III'
Acrylic on Canvas
w/ Black Ink Paper
18" x 36"

Acrylic on Canvas
30" x 40"

The above is just a hand full of my earlier works in no specific order I continue to blow the dust off the other pieces, I will capture them and display according.  

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Healthy Eating At A Glance

Snack: Mango, Pear, Blueberries, Bib Lettuce & Spinach, Shaved Carrots

  Lunch: Garden Salad, Veggie-Pasta Medley, Tuna Salad on Whole Wheat, Grape Juice

 Eating healthy does not have to be complicated nor difficult.
Just imagine and focus on eating mostly foods that grow from the earth and are not genetically modified, and your'e 80% of the way there.  My go-to reminder to myself is to eat off of a plate with 4 corners (eat a square meal) HA ha... 

 Make strong attempts to stay away from added sugars and processed sugars like white granulated sugar opposed to natural sugars like honey and fruits, but too much of anything is not the route to go either.  Even with conscious efforts, I find myself making goof-ups and mistakes with eating a properly balanced meal, but It's easy to do and just as easy to get right back on track by balancing your next meal without guilt or remorse. 

Fresh Purple Grapes, Whole Wheat Waffles w/ Maple Syrup, Scrabbled  Eggs w/ Spinach & Garlic
Yes, it is said that breakfast can easily be the most important meal of the day, but it doesn't have to be the largest... it's OK if its full of well balanced nutrients, essential minerals, and nourishing vitamins.  Depending on what was eaten the night before, will begin to self-regulate what you eat for breakfast.  You may not be as hungry, but remember that protein and natural sugars will probably be the best for sustaining energy for the day, or at least until the nest meal or snack.

Scrambled Eggs w/ Red & Yellow Bell Peppers, Onion & Mushrooms on a bed of Spring Mix Salad Greens, garnished w/ Cherry Tomatoes. Buck Wheat Pancakes topped with Maple Butter, and 6 oz Almond Milk

 Proteins are slow burning fuel and natural sugars burns faster.  A good combination of them both as the first meal of the day could prove to sustain your energy for the morning and promote healthier choices for lunch.

Below is a picture guide to creating quick meals that are healthy, tasty, and full of energy 

Monday- (Meatless Monday)
Chopped Spinach with 3 Bean Salad, Egg-Dipped Fried Eggplant, Half Avocado, and Wild Rice w/Black Beans

Tuesday- (Tasty Tuesday)
Chopped Spinach with 3 Bean Salad, Egg-Dipped Fried Eggplant, Half Avocado, and Wild Rice w/Black Beans
Wednesday- (Wonderful Wednesday)
Wild Rice w/ Black Beans, Sliced Chicken Breast, Bunch of Purple Grapes, and 3 Bean Salad w/Carrots over Baby Spinach

Thursday- (Thrifty Thursday)
Wild Rice, Sliced Bell Peppers,w/Spinach, and Vegetarian Crab Cakes (Grated Zucchini Patties with Old Bay Seasonings

Friday- (Freedom Friday)
Steamed Corn on the Cob, Baby Spinach w/ Carrots, Grilled Salmon topped with Garlic

Saturday- (Special Saturday)
Baked Potato w/ Sour Cream, Cheddar and Chives, Asparagus topped w/ Garlic, Grilled Curry Salmon, While Wheat Stuffing

Sunday- (Satisfying Sunday)
Black Beans & Wild Rice, Lemon Stuffed Cod, and Steamed Broccoli


An over-indulgence of anything, even something as pure as water, can intoxicate.

Human nature is like water. It takes the shape of its container.
