Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Healthy Eating At A Glance

Snack: Mango, Pear, Blueberries, Bib Lettuce & Spinach, Shaved Carrots

  Lunch: Garden Salad, Veggie-Pasta Medley, Tuna Salad on Whole Wheat, Grape Juice

 Eating healthy does not have to be complicated nor difficult.
Just imagine and focus on eating mostly foods that grow from the earth and are not genetically modified, and your'e 80% of the way there.  My go-to reminder to myself is to eat off of a plate with 4 corners (eat a square meal) HA ha... 

 Make strong attempts to stay away from added sugars and processed sugars like white granulated sugar opposed to natural sugars like honey and fruits, but too much of anything is not the route to go either.  Even with conscious efforts, I find myself making goof-ups and mistakes with eating a properly balanced meal, but It's easy to do and just as easy to get right back on track by balancing your next meal without guilt or remorse. 

Fresh Purple Grapes, Whole Wheat Waffles w/ Maple Syrup, Scrabbled  Eggs w/ Spinach & Garlic
Yes, it is said that breakfast can easily be the most important meal of the day, but it doesn't have to be the largest... it's OK if its full of well balanced nutrients, essential minerals, and nourishing vitamins.  Depending on what was eaten the night before, will begin to self-regulate what you eat for breakfast.  You may not be as hungry, but remember that protein and natural sugars will probably be the best for sustaining energy for the day, or at least until the nest meal or snack.

Scrambled Eggs w/ Red & Yellow Bell Peppers, Onion & Mushrooms on a bed of Spring Mix Salad Greens, garnished w/ Cherry Tomatoes. Buck Wheat Pancakes topped with Maple Butter, and 6 oz Almond Milk

 Proteins are slow burning fuel and natural sugars burns faster.  A good combination of them both as the first meal of the day could prove to sustain your energy for the morning and promote healthier choices for lunch.

Below is a picture guide to creating quick meals that are healthy, tasty, and full of energy 

Monday- (Meatless Monday)
Chopped Spinach with 3 Bean Salad, Egg-Dipped Fried Eggplant, Half Avocado, and Wild Rice w/Black Beans

Tuesday- (Tasty Tuesday)
Chopped Spinach with 3 Bean Salad, Egg-Dipped Fried Eggplant, Half Avocado, and Wild Rice w/Black Beans
Wednesday- (Wonderful Wednesday)
Wild Rice w/ Black Beans, Sliced Chicken Breast, Bunch of Purple Grapes, and 3 Bean Salad w/Carrots over Baby Spinach

Thursday- (Thrifty Thursday)
Wild Rice, Sliced Bell Peppers,w/Spinach, and Vegetarian Crab Cakes (Grated Zucchini Patties with Old Bay Seasonings

Friday- (Freedom Friday)
Steamed Corn on the Cob, Baby Spinach w/ Carrots, Grilled Salmon topped with Garlic

Saturday- (Special Saturday)
Baked Potato w/ Sour Cream, Cheddar and Chives, Asparagus topped w/ Garlic, Grilled Curry Salmon, While Wheat Stuffing

Sunday- (Satisfying Sunday)
Black Beans & Wild Rice, Lemon Stuffed Cod, and Steamed Broccoli


An over-indulgence of anything, even something as pure as water, can intoxicate.

Human nature is like water. It takes the shape of its container.


Friday, March 16, 2018

How Poetry Affect What I See

"Be The Creator Of Light"

I encounter the darkness with outstretched arms
casting my light upon shadows and harm
Since I am the product of an old oak tree
I take steps on a bridge built before me.

My goal is to move forward leaving the past behind
and making the best of the future inherently mine
I leave light behind with every step that I take
to encourage any followers to stay consciously awake.

The direction I'm headed is to be totally free
from any type of poison or negativity
It frees me to roam to great places unknown.
We are particles of the universe, so this is our home.

"In The Mist Of It All"

A prayer for all who may be lost in the mist
I pray you are found or not on this list
there are so many ways I wish to assist
I prefer hands together instead of with a fist.

When the world is all foggy, it's easy to dismissed
that this thing called life, it comes with a twist
If you're not staying focused it can easily be missed
The fact that the 'purpose of life' still exist.

Finger tips up, pressed hands and flexed wrists
the stronger my prayers, the more I persist
recalling the feeling of first being kissed
That feeling revisited, I just can't resist.

"I Am One With The Universe"

Sunshine and blue skies I dance on the sand
wrapped in pure linen with a staff in my hand
I open my spirit to a higher command
as the wind change direction, I change what I can.

Bright clouds hang around my head like new friends
whispering stories, no beginnings, no ends
exposing my core in the breeze of the winds
with the essence of burning sage as I cleanse.

Together the elements and I are now one
my foot prints and shadows may fade with the sun
the edges I've mended might become undone,
but to the creator, I'm forever his Son.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

My World Imagined

 Somewhere, I have been told that only incomplete dreams are remembered.  Dreams are part of the subconscious mind that gives way to conflict and/or desires.  To me, conflicts and desires are opposite ends of a spectrum.  In some cases, you can have conflict with what you desire, and visa versa, but when it comes to remembering dreams, remembering them rarely happens when the dream thought is complete, finished, resolved, done with.

 All this meaning that once the subconscious mind completes a dream sequence, the issue or desire is resolved or satisfied, leaving little room to revisit or remember.  It makes sense when you think of it in terms of problem-solving.  Once you solve a problem, yo no longer have to spend time or energy on that issue any longer.  See how that works?

 Doctors, scientists, and people that work in that field of study have many many theories, and they all consist of relating to the individual that's doing the dreaming.

 It's not alarming that some sleepers remember their dreams and others don't, many may question if they even dream at all.  I say that there is more than likely a chance that everyone dreams, but withing their dream, they tend to complete their dream whereas there is no need to remember.  Meaning their completed dream has gone to a place of satisfaction where it no longer have relevance.  

 I say, when a person is awakened by a dream or any outside distraction, it's more of a chance to recall what you were dreaming about because the thought/dream is incomplete and/or interrupted, but the mind doesn't forget, it just moves on to another subject. My theory for saying this lies within this question:  Have you ever been awakened from a good dream then attempt to go back asleep to recapture that same dream?  It never happens.

 There are life oriented or work related dreams that are re-occurring night after night and don't seem to really have a resolve.  I feel that it is due to a cycle in your daily awake life that is done routinely ...such as going to a job doing the same thing, or walking the dog around the same block night after night at the same time every evening and morning.  It isn't something that needs to be resolved in your dream, but can easily be altered in life.  Take on a mew project at work or take the dog on a new route... It may be the one thing that stops that re- occurring sequence of dreams.

 People who tend to remember their dreams also respond more strongly than others to hearing their name when they're awake, new research suggests.

 Everyone dreams during sleep, but not everyone recalls the mental escapade the next day, and scientists aren't sure why some people remember more than others.

 I do believe that dreams are our connection to the conscious and subconscious that allow us to be uniquely us.  I also feel that it is a good practice to pay attention to our dreams as they are guides that can lead us to our greater possibilities.  If ever dreaming, and you  grab hold to something in you dream, you can almost bet that you will remember that dream vividly because it contained something you felt you had possession of.

 With every dream, there is something that will be left behind.  ...Usually mental opposed to physical.  Never stop dreaming.  
The world is yours imagined.


Sunday, January 7, 2018

Multiple Image Photography

(Check out the video below for more image ideas)



 Have you ever wanted to express yourself with an image.
An image of you and your alter-ego?
Or simply show another side of yourself?

Have you ever wanted to know what the other you would do if you met yourself for the first time?

How about destroying the bad side of yourself so that you can be free from yourself?

Maybe you just want to sit and chat with yourself.
Any and all of the scenarios can come to life with my (multiple) image photos. 

The images can be created to express a simple thought or a complex situation. You decide.

Some of us have a flip side to our coin, while others may wear many hats, each containing its own personality.

I allow my camera to capture the mirror image of what we see and sometimes what we want to see.  Who we are is sometimes complex, but what we are is often never known.  I like to creatively expose thoughts through imagery.  You can also express yourself through this format of creative imagery too. Allow me to offer my creative help to get your thoughts across.

Feel free to contact me through facebook in boxing and let's get started... I will walk you through the procedure.  All you have to do is have an imagination and I can supply the rest.

Multiple image photography is one of the ways that I express myself and it promotes healthy expressions.  In turn, it allows me to see myself in ways that others might not see me.

(Click on this video to see more image ideas)

Now that I have honed in on this creative skill, I am willing to extend this art form to you so that you too can creatively express yourself with images that you help create.  Contact me, Share your thoughts, let's create.  (If you cannot come up with a concept of your own, let me produce a scenario for you.)

Being Creative in This Way, Keeps Me Healthy 
...Creatively Healthy

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